Offline services

Offline advertising tools represent a wide range of communication options for our market. Despite the current preference towards online marketing, offline media should certainly not be overlooked. They can form an important part of a properly set up strategy that will get you the results you want. We will design original and tailor-made solutions for you using traditional media types. We can also put a non-traditional spin on traditional media..
TV advertising is the ideal solution if you need to improve your brand image and recognition, or boost sales of your products. TV is a quick and cost-effective solution to reach a wider target audience.
Whether you need to localise your campaign or achieve full-spectrum coverage, get closer to the point of purchase for your products or attract attention with an unconventional solution, we have years of experience with this type of advertising and can help you promote your communication goals.
Execute your advertising campaign quickly, cost-effectively and reach a broad segment of the general population, or narrow down on a more specific target audience or region. Radio advertising can help you effectively meet your goals for different types of campaigns.
Large, premium and impactful formats with a high readership, specific collaborations and partnerships are still effective and popular with a wide target audience. We cooperate with all major Slovak publishers.
Present your brand in a creative way directly to your target audience, and combine it with the pleasant experience and relaxing atmosphere of the cinema.
Our work is guided by data from

Televízna reklama je ideálnym riešením, ak potrebujete zlepšiť imidž a poznateľnosť svojej značky, alebo podporiť predaj svojich produktov. Televízia je rýchle a cenovo efektívne riešenie, ako osloviť širšiu cieľovú skupinu.
Whether you need to localise your campaign or achieve full-spectrum coverage, get closer to the point of purchase for your products or attract attention with an unconventional solution, we have years of experience with this type of advertising and can help you promote your communication goals.
Execute your advertising campaign quickly, cost-effectively and reach a broad segment of the general population, or narrow down on a more specific target audience or region. Radio advertising can help you effectively meet your goals for different types of campaigns.
Large, premium and impactful formats with a high readership, specific collaborations and partnerships are still effective and popular with a wide target audience. We cooperate with all major Slovak publishers.
Present your brand in a creative way directly to your target audience, and combine it with the pleasant experience and relaxing atmosphere of the cinema.
Our work is guided by data from